I started this journey by volunteering in our public schools to support students and help teachers in the classroom, which led to the founding of my nonprofit organization, Primetime Mentoring, and Tutoring Educational Services, where we have partnered with and utilized both Michigan State students and collaborated with the Primetime Senior program as our mentors and tutors in East Lansing schools. I have also volunteered at the East Lansing Public Library for their Teen After-school program because of my own experiences growing up in poverty in Kansas City, Missouri, in a single-parent household. As an adult, I understood how vital it is to mentor and invest in the community’s youth. I have also had the opportunity to volunteer for the City of East Lansing’s Parks and Recreation Department as a Youth Basketball Coach utilizing my background in professional sports to not only teach basketball but to contribute valuable lifelong lessons and positive principles like the power of teamwork, good sportsmanship, and personal leadership strategies into my players. Personally and professionally.