Chuck Grigsby 2021 East Lansing City Council Run Archive

When I Ran For East Lansing City Council in 2021

  • I vowed to practice transparency in our Government that will prioritize community accountability within its decision-making and spending
  • Invest in Environmental and Public health initiatives that will lead to a cleaner, safer community to work and live in
  • Strengthen our communication and partnership with the City of East Lansing and Michigan State University, supporting our mutual community interests
  • Seek out Economic development and Social Events that promote East Lansing’s growth, sustainability, and unique identity

Chuck Grigsby Speaks on Covid Relief Bill at Michigan’s Capitol

Michigan United for Justice and Dignity invited me to speak on Michigan’s capitol steps.

I had the excellent opportunity to share the microphone with House Representative Abraham Aiyash. I took a moment to talk about our federal Covid Relief aid money held up in our House of Representatives.

At the end of 2020, Congress passed a Covid Relief Bill that granted billions of dollars to Michigan to increase vaccine distributions, safely re-open our schools, and assist renters in staying in their home this winter. But none of the funding is being used to help local government, schools, and families. The sooner, the better we can act with this money, the faster we can recover from the devastating effects of this Pandemic.

Huge Thank You to East Lansing Residents!

Wow, you guys & gals, I need to take a moment to give a huge thank you to you, my fellow  East Lansing residents. Thank you for helping me reach my petition goal in order to throw my name in the ring for the upcoming November 2021 open City Council seat election. So many of you stepped up, that I didn’t get to all of the people who said they wanted to sign my Ballot of Support before I met the requirements. Trust me, if you didn’t get a chance to sign, but want to show your support I will have plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in my exciting goal of being elected as your next East Lansing Councilperson.

Very soon, I will be coming to a doorstep near you, emailing, calling, or stopping you in the street to introduce myself and work to earn your vote in the November election.

Thank you again for all of the positive energy and support! Please stay tuned for the next chapter of my journey to represent you for the next four years.

Vaccination PSA!

First, I would like to say that I believe it is important for as many people as possible should get vaccinated for the Covid-19 virus. We are all living through a pandemic right now, but our BIPOC communities are by far, disproportionately suffering from the devastation of this virus and need more education and better access to understand the positive effects of the Covid-19 vaccines available.

Studies have revealed similar findings on the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 deaths among some racial and ethnic minority groups. A study of selected states and cities with data on COVID-19 deaths by race and ethnicity showed that 34% of deaths were among non-Hispanic Black people, though this group accounts for only 12% of the total U.S. population –

Possible Solutions – Outside of getting the vaccine doses for the disproportionately affected communities, we need to be Addressing Health Care Disparities

A multi-pronged strategy is needed to eliminate the persistent racial and economic disparities in health that were exacerbated by COVID-19.

Expand access to health care: The US would benefit from increased investment in community health centers and safety-net hospitals that disproportionately serve individuals who are from minority, low-income, and undocumented immigrant groups in the US. An expansion of Medicaid eligibility for those who have recently lost employer-based insurance would prevent further decreases in access to health care. In addition, hospitals should be prohibited from pursuing debt collection measures against patients who have received COVID-related health services.

Establish equitable care models: To encourage patients to seek needed care, whether for COVID-19 or other issues, health systems should facilitate the establishment of multidisciplinary teams that build culturally appropriate communication and outreach practices. This information and these activities must be multilingual and universally accessible. The use of approved encrypted free platforms to communicate with patients beyond traditional phone calls and office visits can help break down access barriers. Systems should establish robust equity and quality measurements for delivering COVID-19 self-care information and prioritize groups that have persistently been excluded from receiving health information. The use of trusted community voices (such as clergy and sports and entertainment stars) should be promoted to encourage vaccination against COVID-19 to ensure that minority communities are not disproportionately unvaccinated.

Address social determinants of health: Although there is limited evidence that it is effective, health care systems should consider screening patients for social needs (eg, housing, food, legal assistance) and connecting patients to existing community resources to address these needs. The 3-month waiting time for adults without children to receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits should be waived through the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Extending unemployment benefits would enable many people to have sufficient economic resources to be self-sustaining –

Schedule a Covid-19 Vaccination Appointment with Ingham County here.

Announcing Chuck Grigsby for East Lansing City Council

I am running in the November 2, 2021 Election for East Lansing City Council with a solid commitment to transparency in our Government that prioritizes community accountability, education, and understanding.

As Chair of the Study Committee on an Independent Police Oversight. I had the privilege of working with community members, City staff, Councilmembers, Commissioners, and the City Manager on complex social and structural issues in our Public Safety Department.

The work and collaboration of so many highly skilled professionals and volunteers is the type of work I want to get done and what you should expect from me as your next Councilmember for the City of East Lansing in the November 2, 2021 Election

Here are several links to local news sources reporting our important work:


Chuck Grigsby for East Lansing City Council

Chuck Grigsby for East Lansing City CouncilI started this journey by volunteering in our public schools to support students and help teachers in the classroom, which led to the founding of my nonprofit organization, Primetime Mentoring, and Tutoring Educational Services, where we have partnered with and utilized both Michigan State students and collaborated with the Primetime Senior program as our mentors and tutors in East Lansing schools. I have also volunteered at the East Lansing Public Library for their Teen After-school program because of my own experiences growing up in poverty in Kansas City, Missouri, in a single-parent household. As an adult, I understood how vital it is to mentor and invest in the community’s youth. I have also had the opportunity to volunteer for the City of East Lansing’s Parks and Recreation Department as a Youth Basketball Coach utilizing my background in professional sports to not only teach basketball but to contribute valuable lifelong lessons and positive principles like the power of teamwork, good sportsmanship, and personal leadership strategies into my players. Personally and professionally.

Coming to a Door Step Near You!

I wanted to give you a quick update on the progress I have made on my “Doorstep Near You” campaign so far. So far, I have walked my way through a few of our East Lansing neighborhoods, with many more on my schedule. Common topics that have come up so far in my discussions with you are transparency, budget, public safety, economic development, environment, MSU, and neighborhood retention. In listening to you, I have learned so much and have come away with an even clearer understanding of what is important to many East Lansing residents. I believe that my going out and knocking on your door to meet you personally and hear what is on your mind is worth the effort!
Before starting the “Doorstep Near You” campaign, I had a strong sense of what I felt was important for our City going forward. Still, the experiences of talking with you have allowed me to further confirm my passion and reevaluate and further develop my role as your next Council Member in the November 2, 2021 election.
Going forward, I will announce what area I will be heading to increase the chances I can actually speak with you and find out what’s on all of your minds and hearts regarding all things East Lansing!

Let me know what you think

I have had the fantastic opportunity to sit and meet with some special East Lansing community members. I was struck by both the passion and the willingness to get involved in such an important topic today during our first Human Rights Commission Coffee and Conversations in 2021. I really enjoy hearing from other people and their different perspectives of what is important to them and why. Let me know what you think by email or through my contact form here.

Chuck Grigsby for East LansingAs part of my campaign, I have, and will continue to meet with individuals, groups, and organizations committed to working on solutions for our city that reflect our shared community vision and values. As your next Councilmember in the November 2, 2021 election, I promise to stay accessible and engaged with the pulse of our community and anyone who wants to talk any and all things East Lansing.


My thoughts on EL Mayoral Resignation

Chuck Grigsby for East Lansing City CouncilGood morning, East Lansing,

In the last 10-12 hours I have received a few calls, texts, and emails regarding the sudden change to our City Council, with Mayor Aaron Stephens announcing his plans to step down from his seat during the East Lansing City Council meeting last night.

One of my core reasons to run in the City Council November 2nd election, is my desire to be a stable, consistent, and reliable presence to represent your vote, and the voice of the people of East Lansing, Michigan. The news of last night’s change has only further strengthened how important it was for me to have chosen to run for one of the open seats with the four-year term (versus the 2-year term) in the 2021 election. I believe this important commitment to the City, and the people of East Lansing should be what you expect with your representation from your elected officials going forward. Please join me at the November 2, 2021 election to represent you as your next East Lansing City Council member.


Chuck Grigsby Receives Special Recognition Crystal Award

I would like to take a moment to thank the City of East Lansing for the Special Recognition Crystal Award I have received recently. This award is a testament to all of the hard work that the Commissioners on both the Human Rights Commission as well as the Study on an Independent Police Oversight Committee that I had the honor and opportunity to work with on (sometimes) very complex and sensitive issues in our mandates. The people

Chuck Grigsby Receives East Lansing Crystal Award

 I have had the privilege to work with are passionate, highly skilled and experienced individuals who participate as an integral piece to our city government work.

To all of the Commissioners who serve on all of our city commissions, sacrificing their time and generously lending their expertise- YOU are the ultimate award winners, and I dedicate this award to you.

As I have said in the past, it has been such a pleasure to work with all of you on so many important community initiatives on behalf of our great City. I also want to acknowledge the incredible support of our city staff as our go-between to getting our work to the forefront of the administration and community.

Thank you!


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